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Better Public Transport Systems – Lost Cause Or Best Solution?

If you’re like most Americans, you probably see cars as an integral part of our culture and a key to our freedom. But did you know these same cars are also significant contributors to traffic jams and extended commutes? Imagine if we could enhance our public transport systems instead. Indeed, public transit offers superior access to jobs, community amenities, healthcare, and leisure activities for everyone. In this article, I’ll look at the current mobility challenges we face and outline nine benefits of both investing in and using public transportation systems.

10 Mobility Challenges We Face Within Our Communities and Our Public Transport Systems. 

Today, our communities and public transport systems face numerous mobility challenges. See challenges below.

1. Traffic Congestion and Parking Difficulties.

For instance, most cities with over a million people have on-going problems with traffic congestion and finding parking.

2. Longer Commute.

Also, for the 80% of the workforce that cannot work from home, commutes are becoming increasingly longer. A major reason for this is that homes are more affordable in suburbs and rural areas.

3. Inadequate Public Transport.

Many public transit systems are either over or underused. In particular, this is in part due to varying demand during many parts of the day. Additionally, public transport is underfunded and in poor maintenance. For example, 45% of Americans have no access to public transportation.

4. Difficulties for Non-Motorized Transport.

Most of the physical design of infrastructure and facilities are designed for automobiles. As a result, the mobility of pedestrians, bicycles, and other non-motorized vehicles are impaired.

5. Loss of Public Space.

Also, highways and roads have reduced the available public spaces. Hence, increased car traffic has inhibited face-to-face social interactions and activities.

6. High Infrastructure Maintenance Costs.

Further communities face aging highway infrastructure and pressures to upgrade to more expensive, modern infrastructures.

7. Adverse Environmental Impacts and Energy Consumption. 

Pollution, including noise, is a major concern. Indeed, energy consumption, especially fossil fuels, significantly impacts our quality of life and health.

8. More Accidents and Safety Concerns.

Also, car accidents are always a concern, and are increasing in developing countries. Further, these accidents also lead to traffic congestion.

9. Increased Freight Distribution Causes Congestion.

There is an ever increasing presence of large truck and delivery vehicles in our communities. This is due to increasing standards of living, our consumption-based society, and the increased use of ecommerce to purchase goods. Indeed, urban logistics has many of the same challenges as public transport. For more on the challenges and possible solution for urban logistics, see SC Tech Insights’ article, Urban Logistics: Here Are the Best Ways for Cities To Achieve Unparalleled Results.

10. Automobile Dependency.

Public Transport Systems - I Should Have Taken the Bus
I Should Have Taken The Bus!

Indeed, we have become dependent on cars because they do offer many advantages than other modes of transport. Specifically, these benefits include on-demand mobility, comfort, status, speed, and convenience. Additionally, we are conditioned to favor automobiles due to advertising (symbol of status), Further, over the years we have created a transportation infrastructure that caters to privately owned vehicles. Lastly, this dependency does not appear will change anytime soon with the advent of electric cars.

See Transport Geography Organization’s Urban Transport Challenges for more details on the mobility challenges our communities and public transport systems are facing now and in the future.

Now, let’s look at the benefits, if we had effective public transport systems in the U.S.

9 Benefits of an Effective Public Transport System in the U.S.

It is a fact, public transportation is the best opportunity to move the most amount of people from one area to another in an efficient, affordable manner. Moreover, the key to public transport success is good city planning. Specifically, planning councils can complement public transportation by encouraging both access for pedestrians and cyclists. Further, planning boards can provide incentives to have housing close to these integrated public transportation systems. Hence, this will assure access and efficiency for all. Lastly, the challenges for communities and transportation planners is how to build and maintain an effective public transport system. To detail, below are the benefits of a successful public transport system.

1. Improves Community Health.

For example, public transport commuters can easily achieve 30 minutes of exercise a day.

2. Economic Benefits to the Community.

Also, studies show that for every dollar invested in public transportation can yield around $4 in economic gains in the community.

3. Improves Fuel Efficiency.

Even when public transport systems use fossil fuels it is more fuel efficient in terms of miles per passenger. Additionally, public transport vehicles such as buses can be outfitted with alternative fuel sources.

4. Public Transportation Reduces Air Pollution.

Also, approximately 85% of the greenhouse gas emissions that come from transportation are due to day-to-day car commuters. So by leaving the car at home, a person can save up to 20 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions every day.

5. Improves Road Congestion.

Obviously if more people use public transport systems, roads will be less congested.

6. Provides an Equal Access to Transportation

Also, free or inexpensive public transportation systems enable all members of the community to have access to all regions of the community. Thus, all people have freedom to go wherever they like.

7. Public Transportation Improves Commuters Productivity.

If someone else is driving, a commuter can read, text, or relax during the commute.

8. Safer Highways.

Fewer cars on the road mean less accidents. For instance, this means that there would be a significant reduction in the  tens of thousands of lives lost every year.

9. Reduce Household Expenses.

Lastly, each family that gets rid of one car and relies on public transport systems saves over $10,000 per year.

See Remix’s 8 Benefits of Public Transportation, SmartCitiesDive’s 10 Benefits of Public Transportation, and WRI’s Three Ways to Reimagine Public Transportation for more information on the benefits of effective public transport systems.

Shared Micromobility, A Solution To Better Urban Mobility And Livability

Ready to ride the micromobility wave? Let’s dive into the technology driving shared transportation success, the challenges local authorities face, and more! Click here for details.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), there are more than 260 shared micromobility systems as of August 2020. Subsequently, micromobility is expected to explode over the next few years.

Also, for more articles on transportation and smart transportation technology, see SC Tech Insights’ article on Smart City And IoT – The Best Opportunities And The Challenges, and more articles on Transportation.

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