Hopefully, we can all agree that unearned privilege and oppression are big issues for any society. However, what’s worse is the driving force behind them – unchecked power. When this power remains unbridled, it builds an authoritative system that keeps inequality alive. So, if we want to reduce these issues in our society, we must work on breaking down harmful power imbalances. In this article, I’ll spell out 11 strategies that can help us put an end to systemic inequality.
The Toxic Role of Power Dynamics in Social Structures.
Privilege and oppression are certainly heated topics in our democratic society. Luckily, democracy encourages open discussions on topics like unearned privilege and oppression, unlike non-democratic governments. In those systems, power runs wild, and its oppressive nature remains hidden due to its tight grip on the media and its citizens. It’s crucial to address the dangers of unchecked power while appreciating the checks and balances in a democratic society. Socialism might aim for utopia and equality, but its centralized power often leads to undeserved privileges for the few and widespread oppression for the masses.
So, the apparatus of unchecked power is the root cause of both unearned privilege and oppression in any society or political structure. Indeed, without power a person or organization cannot bestow privilege nor dispense oppression. Another way to say this is oppression will stop if the oppressor’s power is restrained. Also, unearned privilege will cease if the uneven power apparatus is disassembled. Lastly to perpetuate this power imbalance, some type of class system is used to determine who is to be oppressed and who is to receive unearned privilege. For more detailed discussion on unchecked power, see my article, Unearned Privilege And Oppression: Rooted In The Exploit For Power.

Unearned Privilege And Oppression: Rooted In The Exploit For Power.
In many discussions about privilege and oppression, the concept of unchecked power often takes a backseat. Click here for my article which emphasizes the importance of implementing checks on power to reduce both unearned privilege and oppression. Additionally, I will explore the role of power dynamics in society, systemic inequality as well as the connection between unearned privilege and oppression.
Strategies for Deconstructing Power Imbalances.

Deconstructing power imbalances involves first recognizing the root causes of unearned privilege and oppression within societal structures. Namely, its unchecked power and its apparatus of systemic inequality. This is where society needs to develop targeted strategies to dismantle and discourage this toxic apparatus. Below are 11 ideas to consider in minimizing power imbalances, reducing unearned privileges, and stopping oppression.
1. Promote Equality and Fairness.
Advocate for policies and practices that ensure equality of opportunity for all, regardless of race, religion, gender, or social-economic status. This includes equal access to quality education, healthcare, and job opportunities. By promoting equality in economic opportunities, rights, and social status, we can minimize conditions that breed oppressive behavior. Now, there is also the question of promoting equity. Both equality and equity are noble goals, but implementation can easily result in unintended consequences. For more details, see my article, Equity Vs Equality – Important Points You Need To Know.
2. Create A Legal Framework To Address Systemic Issues.
Governments must implement and enforce laws that safeguard individual rights and prevent oppression. Specifically, these laws should prohibit discrimination, exploitation, and abuse. Additionally, efforts should focus on identifying and dismantling systemic barriers that maintain unearned privilege and oppression.
There are several actions we can take to reform biased laws or practices. The key goals of these laws are to create more economic opportunities for everyone and promote social justice. Enhancing any legal framework requires maintaining transparency to reduce corruption. For more on transparency in Government, see my article, What Is Transparency In Government? A Proven Way To Overcome Wanton Corruption.
3. Empower Individuals To Prosper.
Encourage personal growth and self-reliance. This can be achieved by providing individuals with the tools and resources they need to succeed, such as education, financial literacy programs, and access to opportunities. For more on prosperity, see my article, Prosperity – What Is It And 4 Ways On How To Measure It.
4. Promote Diversity and Inclusion.
Encouraging acceptance of different cultures, ethnicities, religions, and ideologies can reduce social tension and the tendency toward oppressive behavior. By being tolerant, this not only enriches society but also helps to break down stereotypes and biases. For more on bias and tolerance, see these articles, Bias With Examples – Everything You Need To Know and The Tolerance Paradox – When Being Tolerant Will Make You Intolerant.
5. Provide A Good Education For All.
The more educated people are, the more they are able to understand and exercise their rights. Education also fosters empathy, which can reduce tendencies towards oppressive behavior. Additionally, it is important to raise awareness about the negative impacts of unearned privilege and oppression. Indeed, education fosters understanding, empathy, and change. Now, at the same time just throwing more money toward education will not guarantee significant changes in the status quo. For more information on educational disparity, see my article, Educational Disparity: 7 Causes And Surprisingly Money Is Not One.
6. Active Participation in Politics, And Promote Democracy.
Encouraging citizens to vote and engage in politics ensures the representation of their interests. Additionally, political participation prevents the approval of oppressive policies. For a better understanding of democratic principles, see this article, Types Of Democracies: The Fundamentals That Make A Democracy.
7. Hold People Accountable.
Unearned privileges often go unchecked because those who are in power are not held accountable. Also, accountability should extend to those who enable unbridled power. In some cases, this can extend to voters or lobbying groups that enable unequal opportunities and promote non-charitable free giveaways. Indeed, establishing mechanisms for accountability and minimizing political corruption can help to break the cycle of unchecked power. For more on accountability and political corruption, see these articles, Here Is Why Accountability Is Important and Revealing Corruption In Politics: 8 Underhanded Ways How It Happens.
8. Support Vulnerable Groups.
Provide aid and resources to those who are marginalized or disadvantaged. This can involve supporting charities, volunteering, or advocating for policies that protect these groups. For example, see this article on dealing with poverty, Everything You Need To Know When Dealing with Poverty.
9. Encourage Empathy and Active Listening.
Encourage open and respectful conversation about these issues. Indeed, dialogue can help bridge understanding and foster unity. For tips on empathic listening, see my article, Empathic Listening – After You See Its Unparalleled Results, Make It A Habit.
10. Promote Human Rights.
Advocacy for human rights can help protect individual freedom and minimize oppression globally. Specifically, this can include raising awareness, lobbying, and supporting organizations that fight for human rights. For example, here in the United States we promote human rights in the form of both civil rights and civil liberties. The result is that both our rights and liberties protect us from oppression. The difference is that civil rights is where the Government protects us from oppression. On the other hand, civil liberties are where we are protected from an oppressive Government. For more details, see my article, Know The Enormous Difference Between Civil Liberties and Civil Rights.
11. Strengthen Solidarity: Building a More Just Society.
Solidarity involves fostering a sense of unity and mutual support among diverse groups, particularly those marginalized or disadvantaged. It fosters empathy and understanding, challenging unearned privilege. It encourages groups that benefit from unearned privilege to acknowledge their unearned advantages. Further, all people, no matter which group they belong to, need to advocate for the rights and opportunities of those less fortunate.
For more details on the negative effects and alternative viewpoints on power, privilege, and oppression, see Scripps College’s presentation, POWER, PRIVILEGE, & OPPRESSION.
For more from Unvarnished Facts, see the latest topics on accountability, bias, culture, and politics.
Writer and advisor in supply chain technology and operational analytics. Passionate about giving actionable insights on information technology, business, innovation, creativity, and life in general.