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Be Informed. The bottom line from Unvarnished Facts on Work & Life, Creativity, Values, Biz Innovation, Tech Impacts, and other interesting topics impacting our lives.
Values And Being Human Topics
Find out what empathic listening is, its 9 benefits, its many impacts on personal relationships, and how you can start…
Here is a concise, legal breakout that explains your inalienable right to pursue happiness and what the pursuit of happiness…
Morals vs Values? Here are two lists with examples. One where values are not morals, and another one where values…
Examples of the American Dream are now varied. Some say it is our national ethos, others all about materialism, our…
Creativity Posts
Creating Value in Life – Why and How?
Creating value in life makes others very happy and can bring success in life, in business, and is the core…
Work And Life Topics
Find out how advertising got started and what are the 9 ways that the power of advertising persuades you with…
The root cause of racism is self-interest. Find out what racism is and how to identify racist actions based on…
This article tells you about Big Tech data monopolies like Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook. Here is how they are…
Empathy is a powerful emotion that helps us understand others better. But why is empathy important? Find out the 5…
Tech impact Posts
Future of Remote Work: Can Technology Overcome?
The future of remote work: it will continue to increase. What are the trends and…
Can Scientific Laws Change? Yes, This Is Powerful, Find Out The Reasons
Yes to the question “can scientific laws change?” Find out why and how scientists use…
Trucking Tech – 9 Awesome Innovations That Are Going Mainstream
The latest trucking tech innovations enable fleet owners a competitive advantage, saves money, improves service…
Data Sensitivity: What You Need to Know For Your Business
Businesses, know your data sensitivity levels. Protect your sensitive data from unauthorized disclosure or being…
business innovation Posts
Shared Micromobility, A Solution To Better Urban Mobility And Livability
What is micromobility technology? How are these systems improving our lives? What are the challenges to local governments implementing?
The Technology Hype Cycle: As Example, Look What Happened With E-Commerce
You need to know about technology Hype Cycles.. Being not aware of where a given technology is in its Hype…
Want To Integrate Data For Better Business Visibility? Here’s How To Do It
Get a unified view of your data. Here are the 7 steps to integrate data for business visibility. Different methods…
Offshore Vs Nearshore Outsourcing: 11 Practical Decision Factors That Will Help You Make The Best Decision
Will nearshore outsourcing options be able to shorten your supply chain, save money on back office services, or increase your…
Data Sensitivity: What You Need to Know For Your Business
Businesses, know your data sensitivity levels. Protect your sensitive data from unauthorized disclosure or being inadvertently destroyed.
Can An AI Content Generator Empower Your Business Content?
Are AI content generators going to be a competitive advantage for your business, a liability, or a passing fad What…