To find purpose in life is part of the human condition. Indeed, this is why many of us seek religion or something greater than ourselves to find meaning in life. To explain, this article describes why and how to define your purpose in life. Surprisingly, there are many different approaches you can take that will help you to find your purpose in life. Namely, these approaches include psychological, entrepreneur, IKIGAI, and Christian to name a few.
First, Why Do You Need a Sense of Purpose?

The simple answer is that it is part of the human condition to have a sense of purpose. This is why many of us seek religion or something greater than ourselves to find purpose in life. There are also other benefits.’s 7 Tips for Finding Your Purpose in Life cites a 2010 study published in Applied Psychology found that “individuals with high levels of eudaimonic well-being—which involves having a sense of purpose along with a sense of control and a feeling like what you do is worthwhile—tend to live longer”.
Second, How Do You Define Life’s Purpose?
Berkley Well Being’s Life Purpose: What Is It and How to Find It tells us that life purpose means different things to different people. The article suggests there are four types of life’s purposes:
- Prosocial. Defined as a propensity to help others and influence the societal structure
- Creative. Defined as artistic goals and a propensity for originality
- Financial. Defined as goals of financial well-being and administrative success
- Personal Recognition. Defined as one’s desire for recognition and respect from colleagues
There Are Many Approaches to How You Find Purpose in Life.
From reviewing various approaches to finding one’s purpose, any approach you take will be a lot of work. Below are several good approaches. Many of them have similarities like: it is a journey; reflect, look within yourself to find the answer; what is your passion; what does the world / God / others need from you, and so on.
A. The Psychological Approach – How to Find Purpose in Life?
Psychology Today’s Five Steps to Finding Your Life Purpose by Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. has a five step approach to finding your life’s purpose. This psychological approach helps you explore how to have a meaningful, fulfilling life by finding out more about yourself. The five steps to find purpose in life are:
- Find out what drives you
- Find out what energizes you
- Find out what you are willing to sacrifice for
- Find out who you want to help.
- Find out how you want to help.
B. The Entrepreneur Approach – How to Find Purpose in Life?
Entrepreneur’s 9 Tips for Finding Your Life Purpose by Daniel Scott has 9 tips for finding your life’s purpose. This entrepreneur’s approach treats life’s purpose as a journey and Daniel shares what he has learned so far along the way with his 9 tips to find your purpose.
- Your life purpose is bigger than any solvable problem or circumstance
- Your life purpose is a journey, not a destination
- Play to your strengths
- Pursue your passions
- Do what makes you happy
- Go where you are needed
- Focus on what you can control
- Embrace your creativity
- Listen to your muse
C. The IKIGAI Approach – How to Find Purpose in Life?
Cleverish Magazine’s HOW I USED IKIGAI TO FIND MY LIFE’S PURPOSE by Kelly Carolina explains how she used IKIGAI to find her life’s purpose. IKIGAI is a Japanese concept meaning “A Reason for Being”. IKIGAI approach consists of 4 pies:
D. A Christian Approach – How to Find Purpose in Life?’s What Does the Bible Say about Your Purpose? was adapted from Purposeful Living, a structured and biblically grounded process for finding and fulfilling God’s call for your life. This approach helps you to understand why you are on this earth, what your calling is, and what never changes about who you are. This Christian approach has the following three-step process according to Bible:
- Reflect on Scripture that is important to you
- Reflect on Scripture about God’s purposes
- Identify your purpose based on Scripture
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Writer and advisor in supply chain technology and operational analytics. Passionate about giving actionable insights on information technology, business, innovation, creativity, and life in general.